Monday, April 8, 2013

April 6 - April 10 Frustrated Squirrels

2011-Infinite shades of green. Today (the 7th) the day has grown to an even thirteen hours.  I’ve been waiting for the peepers to start but the evenings have been so cold, I haven’t been out.  Then Friday evening(8th) there was a full chorus- had they been gradually building up?  Val said she had not heard them before either-they’d come all at once.
This morning I watched  solitary turkey cock walk and skitter across the field.  Periodically gobbling and shaking out his tail feathers, but never fully extending them, he seemed very taken with himself but fearful at the same time.
2012-The weather is cool but stabilized-very windy.  We are all waiting for rain, which forecast only in the 10 to 20 percent chance range, is not very likely. Yesterday I saw a farmer plowing up great clouds of pale dust preparing for corn. I need to water my early seeds today. The daffodils are kind of skimpy this year, but because of the cool weather, the opulent forsythia are lasting and lasting. The house glows golden from their blooms.

Forsythia’s glow
As warming as real sunshine
This cold grey morning.

2013-And then this year the forsythia are still closed up tight, only showing the tiniest crescent of green between the bus scales. The grass is just beginning to color up and out at the reservoir I wasn’t sure the palest mist of color around the trees wasn’t my imagination. The eagle people were anxiously awaiting the first hatch.
 Yesterday, in support of keeping feeders full, I heard a bird person say that this is a critical time for them, nest building, and before insects and other food sources are widely available.  The squirrel I thought was dead (I know it's him) is back, frustrated by the empty feeders.Yet I’ve been warned by bear people that hibernation is well over. What to do?

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