Friday, June 21, 2013

June 16 - June 20 Two Snakes in the Grass

2010-Along the roadsides, orange daylilies have begun to bloom next to blue chicory.  Something about that color combination synthesizes everything about early summer for me.  I once wrote in a poem about chicory foreshadowing fall, but I have lost that feeling, maybe because things seem so early to me this year though I don’t know, factually, that they are.
Sitting here at my mountain view window these past three years, I have begun to sense the whole compass of the year inside me.  There is a physical sensation belonging to every portion of the circle; the internalized withdrawing with the waiting of winter, the tumbling of spring falling over itself, the still but filling feeling of summer aging to ripeness, and the sense of completeness in the rich dying away of fall.  With all this comes a sense of being able to be more present with each stage and at the same time, more aware of the stillness at the center of constant metamorphosis.
2011-I thought I heard a whip-poor-will’s cry yesterday but it was afternoon and not exactly right.  Could it have been a mockingbird’s imitation? If so, where did it learn to sing that song?
One of my favorite sounds is the buzzing of the hummingbirds, zooming in and out of the feeders.  It’s a background constant, sunrise to sunset; the motor of summer’s progress?

Hummingbird scolds while
I refill the empty feeder.
Sips and darts; Away!

2012-I am seriously considering setting mouse-type killer traps in the garden to kill whatever is eating the plants. It’s discouraging. The daylilies are blooming emphatically in the garden this year-haven’t seen any along the road yet. Yesterday I watched a mockingbird drinking out of the ceramic dish. The nectarines have some weird disease/pest/blight causing clear jelly to form all over them. I have to look it up. There weren’t many anyway and I’ve seen no apples at all besides some fallen little ¾ inch aborts. Summer solstice tonight accompanying possible record setting hot and humid weather. Yesterday morning I felt cold as the humid heat came in, the two streams of air mixed and affected me like a mistral. I took an hour getting dressed because my temperature was off- I felt hot and cold at the same time and couldn’t stand the feel of fabric on my skin. And a strange restlessness…
2013- It’s shaping up to be a good fruit year. The nectarine has set so many fruits I think it needs thinning out. They couldn’t possibly all mature. Even the yellow apple is bearing more healthy looking fruit than I’ve seen on it before. Will they drop prematurely as usual?

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