Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 1 - December 5 Nights Below Freezing

 2010-When I woke up this morning I looked first in the south east to see if I could again glimpse the crescent moon with huge and brilliant Venus just above but I was late.  Even as the days continue to get shorter, it was already too light.  I did catch, just at sunrise, the first rays striking the tops of the trees on the rise to the west, bathing them in a rosy light that slowly extended down their trunks.  The sun itself was still below the high ridge across the street. It was not until a good fifteen minutes later that the actual sun appeared above the trees flooding everything golden.

Pink western tree-tops.
My own personal sunrise
A little later.

2011-For the first time the grass has stayed frosty even after the sun hit it. I’ve had a visitor chewing in the walls the last week or so.  Last night it was behind the dryer trying to chew through the duct tape and cardboard I’d sealed the vent opening with. After a few hours, and undaunted by my banging on the wall, there was a suspicious silence.  I went into the kitchen to investigate and heard it shuffling near the laundry basket and then run back behind the dryer, so it had chewed through. It was pointed out to me that it just wants to come in and be warm and that got me thinking about animals in winter. I’d always assumed they had the wherewithal-fluffing up fur and feathers- to keep warm in nature. The thought of them suffering out there, driven to come inside and so determined is upsetting.  It’s like they know they are suffering out there and want to come in where it’s better. Why would things be so arranged?
2012- A warm couple of days took me out to the reservoir. There’s something about the walk that’s like a meditation because my consciousness feels more than subtly transformed by the way back. The sun was partly behind some draping swags of cloud and everything was suffused with mist because of the warmth. If I had been just looking out the window it would have seemed like just a ‘meh’ kind of day, but being out in it was being immersed in a silvery goldeny glowing theater of air and water. There are some legitimately magical areas there as well, meaning they transform your vision for you rather than having to be transformed first to see there. In the place where I dreamed the fairies, a six point buck and doe meandered about quietly eating moss not ten yards away and let me sit on the railing and watch for as long as I wanted.

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