Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 16 - December 20 Pewter Moon

2010-Here in Florida the days are more than an hour longer and the temperature cycles wildly between warm and downright cold. I am struggling to find some connection between myself and the cycles here, without success.  The people here like to keep the blinds down and the air conditioning on even when its cooler outside. At night I play the rebel and open my window wide to let in cool fresh air, pink, never-dark sky and constant sirens and traffic noises.
2011-Still up north this year, the weather’s taken a turn towards cold just as the electric heat in the studio stops working and the radiators up here are leaking worse and worse and I’m supposed to leave tomorrow morning. The other reason people hate the cold-there’s really so little between us and it. The sun set at 4:21 yesterday and will set at 4:22 today. The sunrise is still getting later, albeit slowly, less than a minute a day. The day length was 9 hours and two minutes. Is that the shortest?
2012- A slice of moon caught in forsythia’s tresses. And what of this one little flower, so out of season? Did it live it’s life lonely, wondering where were the bees, the friendly spiders, the other blossoms and the sun’s long soft touch? Did it spend it’s life wondering if it was just a mistake or accident of nature? Or was it a willful manifestation of Deva Forsythia’s full glory, flowering out of season for just that reason, to Experience the new and unusual- to Know More.

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