Friday, September 6, 2013

August 31 - September 4 Harvest

2010-I like the suggestion that the period between Labor Day and the equinox allows one to get used to the idea that the summer is over.  You would think that the amount of constant work required by the harvesting and processing of all the garden’s bounty would make one long for a respite and look forward to the end of the growing season.  But I like the heat and seem to have gotten more used to it than I was in July. Baking in the almost 90 degree kitchen doesn’t really bother me. What I do feel is a welling up of the grief that is always in me but is now coming to the fore, even appearing in my dreams. It seems connected to the coming of fall but I don’t know why.  It is good to have time to ease into it.
2012-This year I find myself looking forward to cooler weather. It will be possible to do some real gardening work, digging, transplanting, etc.  The front gardens are completely overgrown and neglected. The days are an even thirteen hours-hard to believe it will be an even twelve in two and a half weeks. Getting up in the dark is something I suppose I will always hate.
2013-The light is draining from these days like water through a sieve. At the reservoir I notice

Foxtail grasses glow,
Each hair clasping grains of light
Burning like sparklers.

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